- HaCk ToOlS Ver 1.0.0 Created by theDUBBER -

Hack Tools 1.0

General Information
Type.................: Utility
Platform.............: Windows 9x/ME/2000/7/10
Serial #.............: n/a
More Info............: www.thedubber.altervista.org
Part Size............: 4,396,908 bytes
Compression Format...: ZIP
File Validation......: Other
Copy Protection......: Other

Post Information
Posted by............: theDUBBER
Posted to............: www.thedubber.altervista.org
News Server..........: n/a
Posted on............: 02/02/2023
Parts per Day........: n/a
Fills Policy.........: Other
Repost Policy........: Other

Release Notes
[x] ACiD VIEWS is a software tool that provides a simple means of viewing image
and text files, with support for some of the most commonly used extensions.

[x] COOL BEANS NFO CREATOR is a great little utility that is used in
conjunction with any program that posts binary files to Usenet. It also can
assist in the personal archiving of files. Cool Beans NFO creator helps create
detailed .nfo files for all types of binaries. It even allows the user to
create custom fields. An .NFO file usually accompanies any binary file that is
posted to give the Usenet community an idea of what the file is without having
to download the entire file first.

[x] DIR2HTML creates an HTML index from a file system directory. This is useful
for building file lists, cataloging contents of CD-ROMS, etc. The program can
index either a single directory or multiple directories at once recursively.

[x] eHASH is a freeware hash generator that supports the most popular hashes
for both files and textes.

[x] HxD is a carefully designed and fast hex editor which, additionally to raw
disk editing and modifying of main memory (RAM), handles files of any size.
The easy to use interface offers features such as searching and replacing,
exporting, checksums/digests, insertion of byte patterns, a file shredder,
concatenation or splitting of files, statistics and much more.
Editing works like in a text editor with a focus on a simple and task-oriented
operation, as such functions were streamlined to hide differences that are
purely technical.
For example, drives and memory are presented similar to a file and are shown as
a whole, in contrast to a sector/region-limited view that cuts off data which
potentially belongs together. Drives and memory can be edited the same way as a
regular file including support for undo. In addition memory-sections define a
foldable region and inaccessible sections are hidden by default.
Furthermore a lot of effort was put into making operations fast and efficient,
instead of forcing you to use specialized functions for technical reasons or
arbitrarily limiting file sizes. This includes a responsive interface and
progress indicators for lengthy operations.

[x] LIST MAKER This program will allow file and/or folder lists to be created
and saved in text files.

[x] PATCHFX GENERATOR is a windows interface letting you easily generate
standalone-patches by comparing two files. The generated EXE (also Win32) has
your logo, description (RTF) and readme (RTF) in one singled EXE file.

[x] RESOURCES EXTRACT is a small utility that scans dll/ocx/exe files and
extract all resources (bitmaps, icons, cursors, AVI movies, Types Libraries,
HTML files, and more...) stored in them into the folder that you specify.
You can use ResourcesExtract in user interface mode, or alternatively, you can
run ResourcesExtract in command-line mode without displaying any user

[x] SEARCH MY FILES - Alternative to 'Search For Files And Folders' module of
Windows and also duplicate files search.

[x] SYS EXPORTER GRAB the data stored in standard list-views, list boxes, and
combo boxes from almost any application running on your system, and export it
to text, HTML or XML file.

Install Notes

Install Notes
Portable Version

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