IZArc Command Line - Linea di comando

* IZArc_cmd.zip *
* IZArc_cmd.7z *
* IZArc_cmd.lha *
* IZArc_cmd.jar *
IZArc_cmd.tar *
IZArc Command Line Add-On
Copyright© 2007 by Ivan Zahariev
All rights reserved

========================== Introduction ===========================

The IZArc Command Line Add-On is set of advanced command line tools
for Windows. They can be called from batch (.bat) files, embeded in
scripting languages or executed from other applications.

========================= Main Features ===========================

Create ZIP, CAB, LHA, BH (BlakHole), JAR (JavaARchiver), TAR, TGZ
(GZiped TAR) and TBZ (BZiped TAR) archives

TAR (TGZ, TBZ2), UUE, ZOO, JAR (JavaARchiver) archives

Strong 128-bit and 256-bit AES encryption (WinZip 9 compatible)
Support BZip2 compression for ZIP archives (WinZip 9 compatible)
Support large ZIP files (> 4GB)
Test archive integrity
Display contents of archive

========================= Documentation ===========================

For full documentation see the file MANUAL.TXT.

============================= Files ===============================

The IZArc Command Line Add-On package consists
of the following files:

CABINET .DLL DLL required for working with CAB Archives
IZARCC .EXE Archive Compression Utility
IZARCE .BAT Archive Convert Utility
LICENSE .TXT License agreement/warranty disclaimer
MANUAL .TXT User Guide
UNACEV2 .DLL DLL required for extracting ACE Archives
UNRAR3 .DLL DLL required for extracting RAR Archives

============================ Support ==============================

If you need technical support for installing or using this software,
you can contact us as follows:

E-mail: support@izarc.org
Internet: http://www.izarc.org 

User's Manual

IZArc Command Line Add-On v1.1

========================== Using IZARCC ===========================

izarcc [-commands] [-options] archivefile [@list] [files...]


a : add files to archive (default action)
u : update files to archive
m : move files to archive (files only)
d : delete files from archive

r : recurse into subfolders (include subfolders)
p|P : store relative pathnames|store full pathnames
c<0|f|n|x|b> : set the compression level (0 - store; f - fast;
n - normal; x - maximum; b - maximum (bzip2)
LHA archives ... 1 : Frozen-5
2 : Frozen-6
CAB archives ... 1 : MS-ZIP
2 : Quantum
3 : LZX
e<0..2> : set encryption method (using password for ZIP, BH or JAR archive)
0 - default Zip 2; 1 - AES-128bit; 2 - AES-256bit
s<password> : specify a password
o : change the archive's date to the newest file's date in archive
w : include system and hidden files
$<directory> : set custom temp directory
@list : compress the files listed in specified list
x<file> : exclude specified file from the compression process
x@list : exclude the files listed in specified list

===================== Example IZARCC commands =====================

izarcc test.zip *.doc
--> compress all *.doc files from current directory to
archive test.zip

izarcc -a docs.zip "c:\my documents\*.doc"
--> compress all *.doc files from "c:\my documents" directory to
archive docs.zip

izarcc -a -x*.doc test.cab "c:\my documents\*.*"
--> compress all files from "c:\my documents" directory to
archive test.cab except *.doc files

izarcc -a test.zip @files.txt
--> compress all files specified in file "files.txt" to archive

izarcc -a -s123456 -cn -r oldfiles.bh "c:\Old Files\*.*"
--> compress all files from "c:\Old Files" directory and
subdirectories to archive oldfiles.bh with normal compression
and with password "123456"

izarcc -u docs.zip *.doc
--> update all *.doc files from current directory to
archive docs.zip

izarcc -d test.zip *.txt
--> delete all *.txt files from archive test.zip

====================== Technical Information ======================

Multivolume archives are not supported.

ZIP AES Encryption compatible with WinZip's AES standard.

Exit Codes:
0 --> no errors found
1 --> error in command line syntax, no action
2 --> error while compressing

========================== Using IZARCE ===========================

izarce [-commands] [-options] archivefile [@list] [files...]


e : extract files from archive (default)
v : list contents of archive
t : test achive integrity

o : overwrite existing files without prompting
f : extract newer version of existing files only
n : extract only newer files or non existing files

d : recreate folder structure stored in archive
p<outputpath> : extract files to outputpath. default is current directory.
s<password> : specify a password
$<directory> : set custom temp directory
@list : extract only the files listed in specified list

===================== Example IZARCE commands =====================

izarce test.zip
--> extracts all files from test.zip to the current directory.

izarce -d test.zip
--> extracts all files from test.zip, recreating the directory
structure from folder information stored in the archive file.

izarce -t docs.zip
--> test the integrity of docs.zip

izarce -d -p"c:\My documents" test.rar *.doc
--> extract all *.doc files from test.rar to "c:\My documents" directory
recreating the directory structure

izarce -v test.zip
--> lists contents of test.zip.

izarce test.zip @files.lst
--> extracts from test.zip all files that are listed
in the text file files.lst.

====================== Technical Information ======================

Extracting from .CAB files requires cabinet.dll.
Extracting from .RAR files requires unrar3.dll.
Extracting from .ACE files requires unacev2.dll.

Multivolume ARJ, CAB, RAR, ACE and ZIP archives are

IZARCE cannot test (-t) the contents of Microsoft CAB files.

ZIP AES Encryption compatible with WinZip's AES standard.

Exit Codes:
0 --> no errors found
1 --> error in command line syntax, no action
2 --> error while extracting
IZArc Command Line Add-On
Copyright© 2007 by Ivan Zahariev
All rights reserved

=========================== WHAT'S NEW ============================

Version 1.2 (Build 150)
* fixed: list contents of RAR archives

Version 1.1 (Build 140)
* fixed: create archives on USB drive

Version 1.1 (Build 130)

* added an option ($<directory>) to set custom temp directory
* bug fixes, minor updates
* added an option ($<directory>) to set custom temp directory
* bug fixes, minor updates

Version 1.0 (Build 100)

First initial release


* IZArc_cmd.zip *
* IZArc_cmd.7z *
* IZArc_cmd.lha *
* IZArc_cmd.jar *
IZArc_cmd.tar *

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