MS-DOS Player for Win32-x64 console

MS-DOS Player for Win32-x64 console

----- What's This

This is MS-DOS emulator running on Win32-x64 command prompt.
16bit MS-DOS compatible commands can be executed on Win32-x64 envrionment.

This emulator inherits the environment variables from the host Windows,
and a target command can access the host's file path directly.

So you can execute 16bit MS-DOS compatible commands on your 64bit Windows
in the same sence as you did on 32bit Windows, and you do not need to copy
any files to/from a virtual machine (VMware, Virtual PC, XP mode, or others).

NOTE: This emulator DOES NOT support Win16 execution files.

This emulator aims to support character user interface utilities, for example
file converters, compilers, assemblers, debuggers, and text editors.

NOTE: This emulator DOES NOT support graphic/sound hardwares and DOES NOT
aim to support game softwares. I recommend DOSBOx for this purpose.

----- How To Use

Start a command prompt and run this emulator with a target command file
and any options.

For example, compile a sample.c with LSI C-86 and execute the compiled binary:

> msdos lcc sample.c
> msdos sample.exe

----- Options


MSDOS [-b] [-c[(new exec file)] [-p[P]]] [-d] [-e] [-i] [-m] [-n[L[,C]]]
[-s[P1[,P2[,P3[,P4]]]]] [-sd] [-sc] [-vX.XX] [-wX.XX] [-x] [-a] [-l]
(command) [options]

-b stay busy during keyboard polling
-c convert command file to 32bit or 64bit execution file
-p record current code page when convert command file
-d pretend running under straight DOS, not Windows
-e use a reduced environment block
-i ignore invalid instructions
-m restrict free memory to 0x7FFF paragraphs
-n create a new buffer (25 lines, 80 columns by default)
-s enable serial I/O and set host's COM port numbers
-sd enable DTR/DSR flow control
-sc enable RTS/CTS flow control
-v set the DOS version
-w set the Windows version
-x enable XMS and LIM EMS
-a disable ANSI.SYS
-l draw box lines with ank characters

ISH.COM contains any invalid instructions and it cause an error.
Please specify the option '-i' to ignore the invalid instructions.

> msdos -i

EDIT.COM does not work correctly when a free memory space is large.
Please specify the option '-m' to restrict free memory to 0x7FFF paragraphs.

> msdos -m

"Windows Enhanced Mode Installation Check" API (INT 2FH, AX=1600H) and
"Identify Windows Version and Type" API (INT 2FH, AX=160AH) return the Windows
version number 4.10.
If you want to change the version number, please specify the option '-wX.XX'.

> msdos -w3.10

Or if you want to pretend that Windows is not running, specify the option '-d'.

> msdos -d

"Get Version Number" API (INT 21H, AH=30H) returns the version number 7.10.
If you want to change the version number, please specify the option '-vX.XX'.

> msdos -v3.30

NOTE: "Get True Version Number" API (INT 21H, AX=3306H) always returns
the version number 7.10 and '-v' option is not affected.

NOTE: the Windows version 4.10 and the DOS version 7.10 are same as Windows 98,

To enable XMS (i286 or later) and LIM EMS, please specify the option '-x'.
In this time, the memory space 0C0000H-0CFFFFH are used for EMS page frame,
so the size of UMB is decreased from 224KB to 160KB.

To enable the serial I/O, please specify the option '-s[P1[,P2[,P3[,P4]]]]'.
If you specify '-s', the virtual COM1-COM4 are connected to the host's COM
ports found by SetupDiGetClassDevs() API.
You can specify the host's COM port numbers connected to the virtual COM ports
by adding numbers to '-s' option, for example '-s3,4,1,2'.

If you specify '-sd', DTR/DSR flow control is enabled.
In this time, MS-DOS Player sets/gets DTR and DSR pins of the host's COM port.
Otherwise, virtual DTR pin is internally connected to virtual DSR pin, and
DTR pin of the host's COM port is always active.

If you specify '-sc', RTS/CTS flow control is enabled.
In this time, MS-DOS Player sets/gets RTS and CTS pins of the host's COM port.
Otherwise, virtual RTS pin is internally connected to virtual CTS pin, and
RTS pin of the host's COM port is always active.

NOTE: The maximum baud rate is limited to 9600bps.

----- Environment Variable Table

Basically, the environment variable table on the host Windows is copied to
the table on the virtual machine (hereinafter, referred to as "virtual table"),
and in this time, APPEND/MSDOS_PATH/PATH/TEMP/TMP values are converted to
short path.

Some softwares (for example DoDiary Version 1.55) expect that the environment
variable table should be less than 1024 bytes.
On the Windows OS, there are too many variables and the environment variable
table size will be more than 1024 bytes and it causes an error.

In this case, please specify the option '-e' and only the minimum environment
copied to the virtual table.

> msdos -e

The environment variable COMSPEC is not copied from the host Windows, and its
value on the virtual table is always "C:\COMMAND.COM".

If a program tries to open the "C:\COMMAND.COM" file, the file is redirected
to the path in the environment variable MSDOS_COMSPEC on the host Windows.
If MSDOS_COMSPEC is not defined, it is redirected to the COMMAND.COM file that
does exist:

- in the same directory as the target program file,
- in the same directory as the running msdos.exe,
- in the current directory,
- in the directory that is in MSDOS_PATH and PATH environment variables

You may have a directory that contains 16bit command files, and you may want
not to add this path to PATH on the host Windows but want to add it to PATH
on the virtual table.

In this case, please define MSDOS_PATH on the host Windows, and its value is
copied to the top of PATH on the virtual table.
In other words, the value of PATH on the virtual table is MSDOS_PATH;PATH
on the host Windows, so a program searches files in directories in MSDOS_PATH
before files in directories in PATH.

You can also define MSDOS_APPEND on the host Windows, and its value is copied
to the top of APPEND on the virtual table.

The environment variables TEMP and TMP on the host Windows may be very long,
in usually, it is "C:\User\(Your User Name)\AppData\Local\Temp".
DOSSHELL.EXE tries to create a batch file in the TEMP directry to start
the selected program, and it may not work correctly because of the too long
batch file path.
In this case, please define MSDOS_TEMP on the host Windows, for example
"C:\TEMP", and its value is copied to TEMP and TMP on the virtual table.

If the environment variable MSDOS_LASTDRIVE is defined on the host Windows,
its value is copied to LASTDRIVE on the virtual table.
If both MSDOS_LASTDRIVE and LASTDRIVE are not defined on the host Windows,
LASTDRIVE=Z is automatically defined on the virtual table.

If the environment variable PROMPT is not defined on the host Windows,
PROMPT=$P$G is automatically defined on the virtual table.

If the environment variable MSDOS_TZ is defined on the host Windows,
its value is copied to TZ on the virtual table.
If both MSDOS_TZ and TZ are not defined on the host Windows,
and if your timezone is in the following table, TZ is automatically defined
on the virtual table, for example TZ=JST-9 in Japan.

NOTE: This table is from:

------- Greenwich Mean Time ---------------------------------------------------
+00:00 GMT Standard Time GMT BST GB London
+00:00 GMT Standard Time GMT IST IE Dublin
+00:00 GMT Standard Time WET WES PT Lisbon
+00:00 Greenwich Standard Time GMT GST IS Reykjavik
------- Fernando De Noronha Std -----------------------------------------------
-02:00 Mid-Atlantic Standard Time FST FDT BR Noronha
-02:00 UTC-02 FST FDT BR Noronha
------- Brazil Standard Time --------------------------------------------------
-03:00 Bahia Standard Time BST BDT BR Bahia
-03:00 SA Eastern Standard Time BST BDT BR Fortaleza
-03:00 Tocantins Standard Time BST BDT BR Palmas
------- Eastern Standard (Brazil) ---------------------------------------------
-03:00 E. South America Standard Time EST EDT BR Sao Paulo
------- Greenland Standard Time -----------------------------------------------
-03:00 Greenland Standard Time GST GDT GL Godthab
------- Newfoundland Standard Time --------------------------------------------
-03:30 Newfoundland Standard Time NST NDT CA St.Johns
------- Atlantic Standard Time ------------------------------------------------
-04:00 Atlantic Standard Time AST ADT CA Halifax
------- Western Standard (Brazil) ---------------------------------------------
-04:00 Central Brazilian Standard Time WST WDT BR Cuiaba
-04:00 SA Western Standard Time WST WDT BR Manaus
------- Chile Standard Time ---------------------------------------------------
-04:00 Pacific SA Standard Time CST CDT CL Santiago
------- Eastern Standard Time -------------------------------------------------
-05:00 Eastern Standard Time EST EDT US New York
-05:00 Eastern Standard Time (Mexico) EST EDT MX Cancun
-05:00 US Eastern Standard Time EST EDT US Indianapolis
------- Acre Standard Time ----------------------------------------------------
-05:00 SA Pacific Standard Time AST ADT BR Rio Branco
------- Cuba Standard Time ----------------------------------------------------
-05:00 Cuba Standard Time CST CDT CU Havana
------- Central Standard Time -------------------------------------------------
-06:00 Canada Central Standard Time CST CDT CA Regina
-06:00 Central Standard Time CST CDT US Chicago
-06:00 Central Standard Time (Mexico) CST CDT MX Mexico City
------- Easter Island Standard ------------------------------------------------
-06:00 Easter Island Standard Time EST EDT CL Easter
------- Mountain Standard Time ------------------------------------------------
-07:00 Mountain Standard Time MST MDT US Denver
-07:00 Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) MST MDT MX Chihuahua
-07:00 US Mountain Standard Time MST MDT US Phoenix
------- Pacific Standard Time -------------------------------------------------
-08:00 Pacific Standard Time PST PDT US Los Angeles
-08:00 Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) PST PDT MX Tijuana
------- Alaska Standard Time --------------------------------------------------
-09:00 Alaskan Standard Time AKS AKD US Anchorage
------- Hawaii Standard Time --------------------------------------------------
-10:00 Aleutian Standard Time HST HDT US Aleutian
-10:00 Hawaiian Standard Time HST HDT US Honolulu
------- Samoa Standard Time ---------------------------------------------------
+13:00 Samoa Standard Time SST SDT US Samoa
------- New Zealand Standard Time ---------------------------------------------
+12:00 New Zealand Standard Time NZS NZD NZ Auckland
------- Guam Standard Time ----------------------------------------------------
+10:00 West Pacific Standard Time GST GDT GU Guam
------- Eastern Australian Standard -------------------------------------------
+10:00 AUS Eastern Standard Time EAS EAD AU Sydney
+10:00 E. Australia Standard Time EAS EAD AU Brisbane
+10:00 Tasmania Standard Time EAS EAD AU Hobart
------- Central Australian Standard -------------------------------------------
+09:30 AUS Central Standard Time CAS CAD AU Darwin
+09:30 Cen. Australia Standard Time CAS CAD AU Adelaide
------- Japan Standard Time ---------------------------------------------------
+09:00 Tokyo Standard Time JST JDT JP Tokyo
------- Korean Standard Time --------------------------------------------------
+09:00 Korea Standard Time KST KDT KR Seoul
+09:00 North Korea Standard Time KST KDT KP Pyongyang
------- China Coast Time ------------------------------------------------------
+08:00 China Standard Time CCT CDT CN Shanghai
+08:00 Taipei Standard Time CCT CDT TW Taipei
------- Hong Kong Time --------------------------------------------------------
+08:00 China Standard Time HKT HKS HK Hong Kong
------- Singapore Standard Time -----------------------------------------------
+08:00 Singapore Standard Time SST SDT SG Singapore
------- Western Australian Standard -------------------------------------------
+08:45 Aus Central W. Standard Time WAS WAD AU Eucla
+08:00 W. Australia Standard Time WAS WAD AU Perth
------- North Sumatra Time ----------------------------------------------------
+07:00 SE Asia Standard Time NST NDT ID Jakarta
------- Indian Standard Time --------------------------------------------------
+05:30 India Standard Time IST IDT IN Calcutta
------- Iran Standard Time ----------------------------------------------------
+03:30 Iran Standard Time IST IDT IR Tehran
------- Moscow Winter Time ----------------------------------------------------
+03:00 Belarus Standard Time MSK MSD BY Minsk
+03:00 Russian Standard Time MSK MSD RU Moscow
------- Eastern Europe Time ---------------------------------------------------
+02:00 E. Europe Standard Time EET EES MD Chisinau
+02:00 FLE Standard Time EET EES UA Kiev
+02:00 GTB Standard Time EET EES RO Bucharest
+02:00 Kaliningrad Standard Time EET EES RU Kaliningrad
------- Israel Standard Time --------------------------------------------------
+02:00 Israel Standard Time IST IDT IL Jerusalem
------- Central European Time -------------------------------------------------
+01:00 Central Europe Standard Time CET CES HU Budapest
+01:00 Central European Standard Time CET CES PL Warsaw
+01:00 Romance Standard Time CET CES FR Paris
+01:00 W. Europe Standard Time CET CES DE Berlin
------- West African Time -----------------------------------------------------
+01:00 Namibia Standard Time WAT WAS NA Windhoek
+01:00 W. Central Africa Standard Time WAT WAS NG Lagos

NOTE: MSDOS_(APPEND/COMSPEC/LASTDRIVE/TEMP/TZ) are not copied to the virtual
table, but MSDOS_PATH is copied to, because some softwares may refer it.

----- Recommended Configurations

Create C:\DOS and C:\TEMP folders.
Copy COMMAND.COM (I recommend the Windows 98's COMMAND.COM Version 7.10) and
other DOS command files (ex. MORE.COM) into C:\DOS folder.

Set the environment variables listed below on the host Windows:


----- Convert Command File To 32bit Or 64bit Execution File

You can convert a 16bit command file to a single 32bit or 64bit execution file
by embeding a command file to the msdos.exe.

For exmaple, you can convert LIST.COM by this command:

> msdos -cLIST32.EXE LIST.COM

and you can simply run LIST32.EXE without msdos.exe.

NOTE: Please specify a target command file with its extension, and specify
a new execution file name other than "msdos.exe". If a new execution file name
is not specified (only "-c" is specified), it is "new_exec_file.exe".

Other options' value are also stored to a new execution file, for example:

> msdos -cCOMMAND32.EXE -v6.22 -x COMMAND.COM

When you run COMMAND32.EXE, it starts COMMAND.COM with the version 6.22 and
XMS/EMS option enabled.

The active code page can be also stored with '-p' option, for example:

> msdos -cSW1US32.EXE -p437 -s SW1US.EXE

> chcp 437
> msdos -cSW1US32.EXE -p -s SW1US.EXE

When you run SW1US32.EXE, it starts SW1US.EXE with the code page 437 and
serial I/O option enabled.

At the execution time, an embedded command file will be extracted with
the original command file name in the current directory.
But if the original command file exists, it will be extracted with
the temporary command file name not to overwrite the original command file.
The extracted command file will be removed when the execution is finished.

----- Binaries

This archive contains 12 executable binaries:

i86_x86 Emulates 8086 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
i86_x64 Emulates 8086 and supports only 64bit Windows
i286_x86 Emulates 80286 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
i286_x64 Emulates 80286 and supports only 64bit Windows
i386_x86 Emulates 80386 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
i386_x64 Emulates 80386 and supports only 64bit Windows
i486_x86 Emulates 80486 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
i486_x64 Emulates 80486 and supports only 64bit Window
pentium4_x86 Emulates Pentium4 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
pentium4_x64 Emulates Pentium4 and supports only 64bit Window
v30_x86 Emulates NEC V30 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
v30_x64 Emulates NEC V30 and supports only 64bit Windows
ia32_x86 Emulates IA32 and supports both 32bit/64bit Windows
ia32_x64 Emulates IA32 and supports only 64bit Windows

8086 binaries are much faster than 80286/80386/80486/Pentium4/IA32 binaries.
If you don't need the protected mode or new mnemonics added after 80286,
I recommend i86_x86 or i86_x64 binary.

NEC V30 binaries support 8080 emulation mode.
If you try CP/M-80 emulator using 8080 emulation mode, use these binaries.

IA32 binaries include Neko Project 21/W i386c core and support FPU/MMX/SSE/2/3.
These binaries will emulate the protected mode more correctly.

The VC++ project file "msdos.vcproj/vcxproj" also contains the configurations
for 80186, Pentium/PRO/MMX/2/3, and Cyrix MediaGX.
You can build all binaries for several cpu models by running build9_all.bat
or build15_all.bat.
(You need VC++ 2008 with Service Pack 1 or VC++ 2017)

----- Internal Debugger

MS-DOS Player contains the internal debugger for developers, but it is
disabled on the binaries in the archive.
To enable the internal debugger, please remove the comment out of definition
"//#define USE_DEBUGGER" in common.h and build the binary.

MS-DOS Player opens the telnet port.
The port number is 23 in default, but if it is already used, 9000 or later.
When you start your telnet client and connect to MS-DOS Player,
the virtual cpu is suspended and you can start the debugger.

If you see the messsage "waiting until cpu is suspended...",
the internal DOS service is running, for example waiting your key inputs.
The virtual cpu will be suspended when exit the internal DOS service,
and you can start the debugger.

If Tera Term PRO, PuTTY, or Windows telnet client (telnet.exe) is installed,
it is automatically started and connected to MS-DOS Player.
When you use Tera Term PRO or PuTTY, I recommend to disable "Line at Time"
and enable "Character at Time".

NOTE: When you run 32bit version of MS-DOS Player on Windows x64,
MS-DOS Player will try to start 32bit version of telnet.exe in SysWOW64,
but it is not usually installed.

Please enter ? command to show the debugger commands.
They are very similar to DEBUG command, and some break point functions
(break at memory access (*), I/O port access, and interrupt) are added.

(*) break does not occur when DOS service/BIOS emulation codes access.

----- Supported Hardwares

This emulator provides a very simple IBM PC-like hardware emulation:

CPU 8086/286/386/486/Pentium4, RAM 1MB/16MB/32MB, LIM EMS 32MB (Hardware EMS),
PC BIOS, DMA Controller (dummy), Interrupt Controller, System Timer,
Parallel I/O (LPT1-3), Serial I/O (COM1-4), Real Time Clock + CMOS Memory,
MDA/CGA CRTC + Status Register, Keyboard Controller (A20 Line Mask, CPU Reset),
and 2-Button Mouse

- Graphic/Sound hardwares are NOT implemented.
- DMA Controller is implemented, but FDC and HDC are not connected.
- Parallel I/O is implemented and the output data is written to the file
"Year-Month-Day_Hour-Minute-Second.PRN" created in the TEMP directory.
- Serial I/O is implemented and can be connected to the host's COM ports.

----- Memory Map

000000H - Conventional Memory (704KB)
0B0000H - MDA Text Video RAM (32KB)
0B8000H - CGA Text Video RAM (32KB)
0C0000H - Upper Memory Block (224KB)
--- Or ---
0C0000H - EMS Page Frame (64K)
0D0000H - Upper Memory Block (160KB)
0F8000H - V-TEXT Shadow Buffer (32KB-64B)
0FFFC0H - Dummy BIOS/DOS/Driver Service Routines
0FFFF0H - CPU Boot Address
100000H - Upper Memory (15MB/31MB)

----- Supported System Calls

INT 08H PC BIOS - System Timer

INT 10H PC BIOS - Video

00H Set Video Mode
01H Set Text-Mode Cursor Shape
02H Set Cursor Position
03H Get Cursor Position And Size
05H Select Active Display Page
06H Scroll Up Window
07H Scroll Down Window
08H Read Character And Attribute At Cursor Position
09H Write Character And Attribute At Cursor Position
0AH Write Character Only At Cursor Position
0CH Write Graphics Pixel
0DH Read Graphics Pixel
0EH Teletype Output
0FH Get Current Video Mode
1100H Load User-Specified Patterns
1101H Load ROM 8x14 Monochrome Patterns
1102H Load ROM 8x8 Dbl-Dot Patterns
1104H Load ROM 8x16 Character Set
1110H Load User-Specified Patterns
1111H Load ROM 8x14 Monochrome Patterns
1112H Load ROM 8x8 Dbl-Dot Patterns
1114H Load ROM 8x16 Character Set
1118H Set V-TEXT Vertically Long Mode
1130H Get Font Information
12H Alternate Function Select (BL=10H)
130*H Write String
1310H Read Characters And Standard Attributes
1311H Read Characters And Extended Attributes
1312H Write Characters And Standard Attributes (???)
1313H Write Characters And Extended Attributes (???)
1320H Write Characters And Standard Attributes
1321H Write Characters And Extended Attributes
1A00H Get Display Combination Code
1BH Perform Gray-Scale Summing
8200H Get/Set Scroll Mode
8300H Get Video RAM Address
90H Get Physical Workstation Display Mode
91H Get Physical Workstation Adapter Type
EFH Get Video Adapter Type And Mode (*1)
FEH Get Shadow Buffer
FFH Update Screen From Shadow Buffer

INT 11H PC BIOS - Get Equipment List

INT 12H PC BIOS - Get Memory Size

INT 13H PC BIOS - Disk I/O

00H Reset Disk System
01H Get Status Of Last Operation
02H Read Sectors Into Memory
03H Write Disk Sectors (*2)
04H Verify Disk Sectors
08H Get Drive Parameters
0AH Read Long Sectors
0BH Write Long Sectors
0DH Reset Hard Disks
10H Check If Drive Ready
15H Get Disk Type

INT 14H PC BIOS - Serial I/O

00H Initialize Port
01H Write Character To Port
02H Read Character From Port
03H Get Port Status
04H Extended Initialize
0500H Read Modem Control Register
0501H Write Modem Control Register


2300H Get CMOS Data
2301H Set CMOS Data
2400H Disable A20 Gate
2401H Enable A20 Gate
2402H Get A20 Gate Status
2403H A20 Support
49H Get BIOS Type
5000H Get Address Of "Read Font" Function
5001H Get Address Of "Write Font" Function
84H Joystick Support (*3)
86H Wait
87H Copy Extended Memory
88H Get Extended Memory Size
89H Switch To Protected Mode
8AH Get Big Memory Size
C0H Get Configuration
C200H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Enable/Disable
C201H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Reset
C202H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Set Sampling Rate
C203H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Set Resolution
C204H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Get Type
C205H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Initialize
C206H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Extended Commands
C207H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Set Device Handler Addr
C208H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Write To Pointer Port
C209H Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS) - Read From Pointer Port
C9H Get CPU Type And Mask Revision
CA00H Read CMOS Memory
CA01H Write CMOS Memory
E801H Get Memory Size For >64M Configurations
E820H Get System Memory MAP
E881H Get Memory Size For >64M Configurations

INT 16H PC BIOS - Keyboard

00H Get Keystroke
01H Check For Keystroke
02H Get Shift Flags
05H Store Keystroke In Keyboard Buffer
09H Get Keyboard Functionality
0AH Get Keyboard ID
10H Get Enhanced Keystroke
11H Check For Enhanced Keystroke
12H Get Extended Shift States
51H AX (Japanese AT) Keyboard - Read Shift Key Status

INT 17H PC BIOS - Printer

00H Write Character
01H Initialize Port
02H Get Status
03H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - Output String Without Conversion
5000H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - Set Printer Country Code
5001H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - Get Printer Country Code
51H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - JIS To Shift-JIS Conversion
52H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - Shift-JIS To JIS Conversion
84H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - Output Character Without Conversion
85H AX (Japanese AT) Printer - Enable/Disable Character Conversion


1A00H Get System Timer
1A02H Get Real Time Clock Time
1A04H Get Real Time Clock Date
1A0AH Read System-Timer Day Counter

INT 20H Program Terminate

INT 21H MS-DOS System Call

00H Program Terminate
01H Keyboard Input
02H Console Output
03H (Auxiliary Input)
04H (Auxiliary Output)
05H (Printer Output)
06H Direct Console I/O
07H Direct Console Input
08H Console Input Without Echo
09H Print String
0AH Buffered Keyboard Input
0BH Check Console Status
0CH Character Input With Buffer Flush
0DH Disk Reset
0EH Select Disk
0FH Open File With FCB
10H Close File With FCB
11H Search First Entry With FCB
12H Search Next Entry With FCB
13H Delete File With FCB
14H Sequential Read With FCB
15H Sequential Write With FCB
16H Create New File With FCB
17H Rename File With FCB
18H Null Function For CP/M Compatibility
19H Current Disk
1AH Set Disk Transfer Address
1BH Get Allocation Information For Default Drive
1CH Get Allocation Information For Specified Drive
1DH Null Function For CP/M Compatibility
1EH Null Function For CP/M Compatibility
1FH Get Drive Parameter Block For Default Drive
20H Null Function For CP/M Compatibility
21H Random Read With FCB
22H Randome Write With FCB
23H Get File Size With FCB
24H Set Relative Record Field With FCB
25H Set Vector
26H Create New Program Segment Prefix
27H Random Block Read With FCB
28H Random Block Write With FCB
29H Parse File Name
2AH Get Date
2BH Set Date
2CH Get Time
2DH Set Time
2EH Set/Reset Verify Switch
2FH Get Disk Transfer Address
30H Get Version Number (*4)
31H Keep Process
32H Get DOS Drive Parameter Block
3300H Get Ctrl-Break Checking State
3301H Set Ctrl-Break Checking State
3302H Get/Set Ctrl-Break Checking State
3305H Get Boot Drive
3306H Get True Version Number (*5)
3307H Windows95 - Set/Clear DOS_FLAG
34H Get Address Of InDOS Flag
35H Get Vector
36H Get Disk Free Space
3700H Get Switch Character
3701H Set Switch Character
3702H Get AvailDev Flag
3703H Set AvailDev Flag
38H Get Country Specific Information
39H Create Subdirectory
3AH Remove Subdirectory
3BH Change Current Directory
3CH Create File
3DH Open File Handle
3EH Close File Handle
3FH Read From File Or Device
40H Write To File Or Device
41H Erase File From Directory
42H Move File Read/Write Pointer
4300H Get File Attribute
4301H Set File Attribute
4302H MS-DOS 7 - Get Compressed File Size
43FFH Windows98 - Extended-Length File Name Operations
4400H Get Device Information
4401H Set Device Information
4402H Read From Character Device Control Channel
4406H Get Input Status
4407H Get Output Status
4408H Device Removable Query
4409H Device Local Or Remote Query
440AH Handle Local Or Remote Query
440CH Generic Character Device Request
440DH Generic Block Device Request
4410H Query Generic IOCTRL Capability (Handle)
4411H Query Generic IOCTRL Capability (Drive)
45H Duplicate File Handle
46H Force Duplicate Of Handle
47H Get Current Directory
48H Allocate Memory
49H Free Allocated Memory
4AH Modify Allocated Memory Blocks
4B00H Load And Execute Program
4B01H Load Program
4B03H Load Overlay
4CH Terminate Process
4DH Get Subprocess Return Code
4EH Find First Matching File
4FH Find Next Matching File
50H Set Program Segment Prefix Address
51H Get Program Segment Prefix Address
52H Get DOS Info Table
53H Translate BIOS Parameter Block To Drive Param Bock
54H Get Verify State
55H Create Child Program Segment Prefix
56H Rename File
5700H Get Last Written Date And Time
5701H Set Last Written Date And Time
5704H Windows95 - Get Last Access Date And Time
5705H Windows95 - Set Last Access Date And Time
5706H Windows95 - Get Creation Date And Time
5707H Windows95 - Set Creation Date And Time
5800H Get Memory Allocation Strategy
5801H Set Memory Allocation Strategy
5802H Get UMB Link State
5803H Set UMB Link State
59H Get Extended Error Information
5AH Create Unique File
5BH Create New File
5CH Lock/Unlock File Access
5D00H Server Function Call
5D06H Get Address Of DOS Swappable Data Area
5D0AH Set Extended Error Information
5E00H Get Machine Name
5F02H Get Redirection List Entry
5F05H Get Extended Redirection List Entry
5F07H Enable Drive
5F08H Disable Drive
60H Canonicalize Filename Or Path
61H Reserved Fnction
62H Get Program Segment Prefix Address
6300H Get DBCS Vector
6500H Windows95 OSR2 - Set General Internationalization Info
6501H Get General Internationalization Info
6502H Get Upper Case Table
6503H Get Lower Case Table
6504H Get File Name Upper Case Table
6505H Get File Name Lower Case Table
6506H Get Collating Sequence Table
6507H Get DBCS Vector
6520H Character Capitalization
6521H String Capitalization
6522H ASCIIZ Capitalization
6523H Determine If Character Represents Yes/No Response
65A0H Character Capitalization
65A1H String Capitalization
65A2H ASCIIZ Capitalization
6601H Get Global Code Page Table
6602H Set Global Code Page Table
67H Set Handle Count
68H Commit File
6900H Get Disk Serial Number
6AH Commit File
6BH Null Function
6CH Extended Open/Create
7002H Windows95 - Set General Internationalization Info
710DH Windows95 - Reset Drive
7139H Windows95 - LFN - Create Subdirectory
713AH Windows95 - LFN - Remove Subdirectory
713BH Windows95 - LFN - Change Current Directory
7141H Windows95 - LFN - Erase File From Directory
7143H Windows95 - LFN - Get/Set File Attribute
7147H Windows95 - LFN - Get Current Directory
714EH Windows95 - LFN - Find First Matching File
714FH Windows95 - LFN - Find Next Matching File
7156H Windows95 - LFN - Rename File
7160H Windows95 - LFN - Canonicalize Filename Or Path
716CH Windows95 - LFN - Extended Open/Create
71A0H Windows95 - LFN - Get Volume Information
71A1H Windows95 - LFN - Terminate Directory Search
71A6H Windows95 - LFN - Get File Information By Handle
71A7H Windows95 - LFN - Convert File Time/DOS Time
71A8H Windows95 - LFN - Generate Short File Name
71A9H Windows95 - LFN - Extended Server Open/Create
71AAH Windows95 - LFN - Create/Terminate/Query SUBST
7300H Windows95 - FAT32 - Get Drive Locking
7302H Windows95 - FAT32 - Get Extended DPB
7303H Windows95 - FAT32 - Get Extended Free Space On Drive
DBH Novell NetWare - Workstation - Get Number Of Local Drives
DCH Novell NetWare - Connection Services - Get Connection Number

INT 23H Ctrl-Break Address

INT 24H Critical Error Handler

INT 25H Absolute Disk Read

INT 26H Absolute Disk Write (*2)

INT 27H Terminate And Stay Resident

INT 28H DOS Idle

INT 29H DOS Fast Character I/O

INT 2EH Pass Command To Command Interpreter For Execution

INT 2FH Multiplex Interrupt

0500H DOS 3.0+ Critical Error Handler - Installation Check
0502H DOS 3.0+ Critical Error Handler - Expand Error Into String
1200H DOS 3.0+ internal - Installation Check
1202H DOS 3.0+ internal - Get Interrupt Address
1203H DOS 3.0+ Internal - Get DOS Data Segment
1204H DOS 3.0+ internal - Normalize Path Separator
1205H DOS 3.0+ internal - Output Character To Standard Output
120DH DOS 3.0+ internal - Get Date And Time
1211H DOS 3.0+ internal - Normalize ASCIZ Filename
1212H DOS 3.0+ internal - Get Length Of ASCIZ String
1213H DOS 3.0+ internal - Uppercase Character
1214H DOS 3.0+ internal - Compare Far Pointers
1216H DOS 3.0+ internal - Get System File Table Entry
1217H DOS 3.0+ internal - Get Current Directory Structure For Drive
121AH DOS 3.0+ internal - Get File's Drive
121BH DOS 3.0+ internal - Set Year/Length Of February
121EH DOS 3.0+ internal - Compare Filenames
121FH DOS 3.0+ internal - Build Current Directory Structure
1220H DOS 3.0+ internal - Get Job File Table Entry
1221H DOS 3.0+ internal - Canonicalize File Name
1222H DOS 3.0+ internal - Set Extended Error Info
1225H DOS 3.0+ internal - Get Length Of ASCIZ String
1226H DOS 3.3+ internal - Open File
1227H DOS 3.3+ internal - Close File
1228H DOS 3.3+ internal - Move File Pointer
1229H DOS 3.3+ internal - Read From File
122BH DOS 3.3+ internal - IOCTL
122CH DOS 3.3+ internal - Get Device Chain
122DH DOS 3.3+ internal - Get Extended Error Code
122EH DOS 4.0+ internal - Get Error Table Addresses
122FH DOS 4.0+ internal - Set DOS Version Number To Return
1400H NLSFUNC.COM - Installation Check
1401H NLSFUNC.COM - Change Code Page
1402H NLSFUNC.COM - Get Extended Country Info
1403H NLSFUNC.COM - Set Code Page
1404H NLSFUNC.COM - Get Country Info
150BH CD-ROM v2.00+ - Drive Check
150DH CD-ROM v2.00+ - Get CD-ROM Drive Letters
1600H Windows - Windows Enhanced Mode Installation Check (*6)
1605H Windows - Windows Enhanced Mode & 286 DOSX Init Broadcast
160AH Windows - Identify Windows Version And Type (*6)
1680H Windows, DPMI - Release Current Virtual Machine Time-Slice
1683H Windows 3+ - Get Current Virtual Machine ID
1A00H ANSI.SYS - Installation Check
1A01H ANSI.SYS - Set/Get Display Information
4000H Windows 3+ - Get Virtual Device Driver (VDD) Capabilities
4300H XMS - Installation Check
4308H HIMEM.SYS - Get A20 Handler Number
4310H XMS - Get Driver Address
4810H Read Input Line From Console
4A01H DOS 5.0+ - Query Free HMA Space
4A02H DOS 5.0+ - Allocate HMA Space
4A03H Windows95 - (De)Allocate HMA Memory Block
4A04H Windows95 - Get Start Of HMA Memory Chain
AD00H DISPLAY.SYS - Installation Check
AD01H DISPLAY.SYS - Set Active Code Page
AD02H DISPLAY.SYS - Get Active Code Page
AD03H DISPLAY.SYS - Get Code Page Information
4F00H BILING - Get Version
4F01H BILING - Get Code Page
AE00H Installable Command - Installation Check
AE01H Installable Command - Execute

INT 33H Mouse

0000H Reset Driver And Rest Status
0001H Show Mouse Cursor
0002H Hide Mouse Cursor
0003H Return Position And Button Status
0004H Position Mouse Cursor
0005H Return Button Press Data
0006H Return Button Release Data
0007H Define Horizontal Cursor Range
0008H Define Vertical Cursor Range
0009H Define Graphics Cursor
000AH Define Text Cursor
000BH Read Motion Counters
000CH Define Interrupt Sub Routine Parameters
000FH Define Mickey/Pixel Ratio
0011H Get Number Of Buttons
0014H Exchange Interrupt Sub Routines
0015H Return Driver Storage Requirements
0016H Save Driver State
0017H Restore Driver State
0018H Set Alternate Mouse User Handler
0019H Return User Alternate Interrupt Vector
001AH Set Mouse Sensitivity
001BH Return Mouse Sensitivity
001DH Define Display Page Number
001EH Return Display Page Number
001FH Disable Mouse Driver
0020H Enable Mouse Driver
0021H Software Reset
0022H Set Language For Messages
0023H Get Language For Messages
0024H Get Software Version, Moouse Type, And IRQ Number (*7)
0025H Get General Driver Information
0026H Get Maximum Virtual Coordinates
0027H Get Screen/Cursor Masks And Mickey Counts
0028H Set Video Mode
0029H Enumerate Video Modes
002AH Get Cursor Host Spot
0031H Get Current Minimum/Maximum Virtual Coordinates
0032H Get Active Advanced Functions
004DH Return Pointer To Copyright String
006DH Get Version String

INT 65H-66H (Used For Dummy LIM EMS/XMS Service Routines)


40H LIM EMS - Get Manager Status
41H LIM EMS - Get Page Frame Segment
42H LIM EMS - Get Number Of Pages
43H LIM EMS - Get Handle And Allocate Memory
44H LIM EMS - Map/Unmap Memory
45H LIM EMS - Release Handle And Memory
46H LIM EMS - Get EMM Version (*8)
47H LIM EMS - Save Mapping Context
48H LIM EMS - Restore Mapping Context
4BH LIM EMS - Get Number Of EMM Handles
4CH LIM EMS - Get Pages Owned By Handle
4DH LIM EMS - Get Pages For All Handles
4E00H LIM EMS - Get Page Map
4E01H LIM EMS - Set Page Map
4E02H LIM EMS - Get And Set Page Map
4E03H LIM EMS - Get Page Map Array Size
4F00H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Partial Page Map
4F01H LIM EMS 4.0 - Set Partial Page Map
4F02H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Partial Page Map Array Size
50H LIM EMS 4.0 - Map/Unmap Multiple Handle Pages
51H LIM EMS 4.0 - Reallocate Pages
52H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get/Set Handle Attributes
5300H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Handle Name
5301H LIM EMS 4.0 - Set Handle Name
5400H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Handle Directory
5401H LIM EMS 4.0 - Search For Named Handle
5402H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Total Handles
55H LIM EMS 4.0 - Alter Page Map And Jump
56H LIM EMS 4.0 - Alter Page Map And Call
5602H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Page Map Stack Space Required
5700H LIM EMS 4.0 - Move Memory Region
5701H LIM EMS 4.0 - Exchange Memory Region
5800H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Mappable Physical Address Array
5801H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Mappable Physical Address Array Entries
5900H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Hardware Configuration Array
5901H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Unallocated Raw Page Count
5A00H LIM EMS 4.0 - Allocate Standard Pages
5A01H LIM EMS 4.0 - Allocate Raw Pages
5B00H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Alternate Map Register Set
5B01H LIM EMS 4.0 - Set Alternate Map Register Set
5B02H LIM EMS 4.0 - Get Alternate Map Save Array Size
7000H EMS - Get Page Frame Status (NEC PC-9801 Only ???)
7001H EMS - Enable/Disable Page Frame (NEC PC-9801 Only ???)
DE00H VCPI - Installation Check
DE01H VCPI - Get Protected Mode Interface
DE02H VCPI - Get Max Physical Memory Address
DE03H VCPI - Get Number Of Free 4KB Pages
DE04H VCPI - Allocate 4KB Page
DE05H VCPI - Free 4KB Page
DE06H VCPI - Get Physical Address Of Page In First MB
DE07H VCPI - Read CR0
DE08H VCPI - Read Debug Registers
DE09H VCPI - Write Debug Registers
DE0AH VCPI - Get 8259 Interrupt Vector Mapping
DE0BH VCPI - Set 8259 Interrupt Vector Mapping
DE0CH VCPI - Switch To Protected Mode

INT 68H-6FH (Used For Dummy BIOS/DOS/Driver Service Routines)


00H XMS - Get XMS Version Number (*9)
01H XMS - Request High Memory Area
02H XMS - Release High Memory Area
03H XMS - Global Enable A20
04H XMS - Global Disable A20
05H XMS - Local Enable A20
06H XMS - Local Disable A20
07H XMS - Query A20 State
08H XMS - Query Free Extended Memory
09H XMS - Allocate Extended Memory Block
0AH XMS - Free Extended Memory Block
0BH XMS - Move Extended Memory Block
0CH XMS - Lock Extended Memory Block
0DH XMS - Unlock Extended Memory Block
0EH XMS - Get Handle Information
0FH XMS - Reallocate Extended Memory Block
10H XMS - Request Upper Memory Block
11H XMS - Release Upper Memory Block
12H XMS 3.0 - Reallocate Upper Memory Block
88H XMS 3.0 - Query Free Extended Memory
89H XMS 3.0 - Allocate Any Extended Memory
8EH XMS 3.0 - Get Extended EMB Handle Information
8FH XMS 3.0 - Reallocate Any Extended Memory Block

(*1) Not a Hercules-compatible video adapter
(*2) Support only floppy disk drive
(*3) Joysticks are not connected
(*4) MS-DOS Version: 7.10 (default) or specified version with -v option
(*5) MS-DOS Version: 7.10, -v option is not affected
(*6) Windows Version: 4.10 (default) or specified version with -w option
(*7) Mouse Version: 8.05
(*8) EMS Version: 4.0
(*9) XMS Version: 3.95

----- INT 29H Limitations

When INT 21H/2FH service outputs a character to console, INT 29H service
(DOS Fast Character I/O) is called.

If INT 21H/2FH service that outputs a character to console is called again
in INT 29H handler, INT 29H is not called again to prevent an infinite loop.

In usual, the virtual CPU is running while waiting inputs from console in
INT 21H, AH=01H/0AH/3FH service and a timer interrupt can be raised.
If INT 29H handler is hooked by your software, the virtual CPU is suspended
while waiting inputs from console, and a timer interrupt never be raised.

----- Win32/64 Child Process

When we run a Win32/64 program on usual MS-DOS environment, we will see
an error message "This program cannot be run in DOS mode."

When a Win32/64 program file is called by INT 21H, AX=4B00H, INT 2EH, or
INT 2FH, AX=AE01H services, for example the case we run it on COMMAND.COM,
it is executed as a Win32/64 child process by Win32 system() API and
waits until the child process is terminated.
In this time, any characters output to the console by this Win32/64 child
process is not hooked by INT 29H service.

When you run a Win32/64 program with pipe, it may not work as you expect.
For example, you may run Win32/64 version of with pipe as follows:

> msdos
> type foo.txt | more ( is Win32/64 program in C:\Windows\System32)

MS-DOS Player starts as a Win32/64 child process and will wait until
the child process is terminated.
While waiting until the child process is terminated, the virtual CPU is
suspended and outputs of "type foo.txt" never be sent to the child process.

--- License

The copyright belongs to the author, but you can use the source codes under

See also COPYING.txt for more details about the license.

----- Thanks

8086/80286 code is based on MAME 0.149 and applied fixes in MAME 0.150-0.185.
NEC V30 instructions code is based on MAME 0.128.
8038/80486 code is based on MAME 0.152 and applied fixes in MAME 0.154-0.185.
IA32 code is based on Neko Project 21/W.

INT 15H AH=84H (Joystick Support),
INT 15H AH=87H (Copy Extended Memory),
INT 15H AH=89H (Switch To Protected Mode),
INT 15H AX=C209H (Read From Pointer Port)
INT 21H AX=4402H (Read From Character Device Control Channel),
INT 33H AX=001FH (Disable Mouse Driver),
INT 33H AX=0020H (Enable Mouse Driver),
INT 67H AX=DE01H (Get Protected Mode Interface),
INT 67H AX=DE0CH (Switch To Protected Mode),
and some DOS info block improvements are based on DOSBox.

Imported many fixes from Mr.cracyc's fork hosted at:

Patched by Mr.Sagawa, Mr.sava (lukewarm), Mr.Kimura (emk), Mr.Jason Hood,
Mr.N2583ZYOB6, Mr.Fujita, Mr.Mark Ogden, Mr.cacyc, and Mr.roytam

TAKEDA, toshiya




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